Psalm 1, has a lot of meat. It reads:
1 Happy are those who do not follow the advice of
the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of
2 but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and
on his law they meditate day and night.
3 They are like trees planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In
all that they do, they prosper.
4 The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that
the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor
sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6 for the Lord watches over the way of the
righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
On a first reading, it’s fairly innocuous.
Yes, we’re happier when we’re not
terrible to each other.
We’re more fulfilled and connected to
when we participate in what God is
We are more fruitful when we pay
attention to God’s desire for love.
I’m into it.
And wickedness—or sinfulness,
we often experience as that
that powerlessness over our
that the psalm describes as chaff
that the wind blows away.
We get bandied about by our desires.
And we crave justice—“those wicked
people need to be punished,”
maybe even “I’m so wicked I need
We long for a just universe where
good is rewarded and evil punished.
I’m still into it.
Maybe we just end the sermon here?
Maybe not.
There’s a thread in modern theology that says
this psalm and many other bits of
are about something more concrete.
It’s about the haves and the have
Certainly those who “have” God, as it
were, and those who don’t.
But also about those who have prosperity
and lots of stuff
and those who do not.
As though those things are entirely
related to whether you have God.
The righteous have much, are blessed,
The wicked have little, are
miserable, and fail.
So, it follows from this simple
reading that
those who have little, are miserable,
or fail must be wicked. And those who have much, are blessed, and succeed
are righteous.
Don’t we say God helps those who help
Sure, it’s not in the Bible, but it’s
true, right?
And look at statistics: look how
closely crime and poverty line up.
But this reading is from a place of privilege.
Let me complexify this for us.
A number of years ago,
I took my diocese’s required Racism
Awareness workshop.
There was a mix of folks from across
the diocese there.
As a conversation-starter,
we were given an envelope with 26
notecards inside.
On each notecard was a question
and we were asked to put those cards
into two piles:
“this does apply to me” and “this
doesn’t apply to me.”
Let me share with you some of the
statements on the cards.
Maybe you can keep a tally of where
you’d put them:
“I can be pretty sure that if I ask
to talk to the person in charge,
I will be facing a person of my
“I can turn on the television or open
the front page of the paper
and see people of my race widely-represented.”
“I am rarely asked to speak for all
people of my racial group.”
“I can be sure that my children will
be given curricular materials
that testify to the existence and
contributions of their race.”
“I can worry about racism without
being seen
as self-interested or self-seeking.”
“I can choose blemish cover or
bandages in “flesh” color
and have them more or less match my
“Whether I use checks, credit cards,
or cash,
I can count on my skin color not to
work against
the appearance of financial
“If a traffic cop pulls me over, or
if the IRS audits my tax return,
I can be sure I haven’t been singled
out because of my color.”
Hearing where each person put their
notecards was
—and I cannot put this dramatically
earth-shaking for me.
I had put 25 of the 26 cards in the
“it does apply to me” pile.
And the white folks around me were
All of the people of color in the
had put a majority of the notecards
in the “it doesn’t apply to me” pile.
In this moment, I had a sudden,
intense, clear vision
of the privilege that I enjoy as a white
Just recently I read an article in which the author spoke
of grocery-shopping with her
half-sister at their regular store.
Both of them are of mixed-race, but
the author “passes” for white,
that is, she has more Caucasian
whereas her sister looks clearly
The sisters were in line to check out
with their groceries.
The author was first in line, wrote a
check, was not asked for ID,
and began bagging her groceries
while her sister’s were being
The sister then began writing a check
as well
and the cashier immediately asked for
and looked intently, the author says
between the ID and the check.
The author called attention to this
asking what she was looking for.
The cashier replied it was policy to
ask for ID.
The author asked why she herself
hadn’t been asked for ID
moments before.
The store manager was called. It
became a bit of an issue.
I’m aware that this is an anecdote,
but one which our black brothers and
would not find surprising.
What is going on here?
I want to be clear that there are all kinds of privilege,
not just this example of embedded
In this country there’s the privilege
of being comfortable or even wealthy,
of being male, of being straight, of
being educated.
And being privileged in some way
doesn’t mean things haven’t been hard.
Of course
wealthy people have depression and anxiety
and difficult family situations,
but they know they’re going to eat
for the foreseeable future
and they’re going to be respected.
And of course a poor white family will have significant struggles
just as a poor black family will,
but that poor black family will have
other struggles as well.
And an educated white woman might
enjoy many privileges
in her hometown
but be targeted by rape and death
threats in some online communities
because she is a woman.
Privilege changes and overlaps with
lack-of privilege
—we call this intersectionality.
Now, I suspect that by my bringing this up in church,
some folks out there are tensing up.
If it’s because you disagree with me,
I understand, but please hear me out.
I think scripture has something to
speak into our lives here
that’s both difficult and freeing.
If it’s because we don’t talk about
this kind of stuff in church,
I have to ask why not?
Why wouldn’t we talk about the ways
in which
we Christians act like Pharisees,
whether we know it or not?
Why wouldn’t we open our eyes to
systems of oppression
and do what we can to make folks’
lives better?
Isn’t that basically what the
prophets and Jesus were doing?
My point is this:
It is very easy to fall into the
belief that something is not a problem
because it’s not a problem to us
It’s so difficult to identify with
this idea of privilege
because by its very nature, it’s
invisible if you’ve got it.
And my second point is that
privilege isn’t a bad thing per se,
it’s a question of what we do with it
once we see it.
How do I respond, for example, when I get pulled over for
and the officer literally backs away
from me and says
“I can’t give a priest a ticket!”
Rejoice at my good fortune? Insist he
give me a ticket?
Give him a lecture about privilege?
Ask some other officers about policy
and practice and begin dialogue?
Our scriptures are rife with folks getting away with things
because they’re in charge or favored
or pretty.
And those stories portray privilege
sometimes as violent and terrible
like David’s sending the husband of
the woman he lusted after
to the frontline to be killed.
And sometimes as the only way to save
thousands of lives,
like Esther’s ability to speak to the
king her husband
to spare the lives of the Jews.
And they’re rife with stories of
people on the other side of things,
seeing the imbalance of power,
experiencing the oppression of
invading forces
or economic pressures.
They’re rife with stories of the
outsider and the rejected
pushing back against power and
This is Ruth. This is Tamar.
This is Moses in Egypt. This is Mary
Magdalene and Peter.
This is too many people to list.
Looking back at my first description of Psalm 1,
I think we’re being called to
awareness and compassion.
I said, “we are happier when we’re
not terrible to each other.”
Which means we need to notice when
we’re being terrible.
And when someone else is being hurt
by our privilege.
How do we use that awareness to show
that person love?
We are more fulfilled and connected
to God
when we participate in what God is
Maybe we ask what God is already
doing in our community
rather than plowing forward with what
we know needs to be done?
We are more fruitful when we pay
attention to God’s desire for love.
Not productive, mind you, that’s our consumer
culture speaking.
No, we make the fruit we were meant
when we’re paying attention to love
and forgiveness
and understanding and creativity.
How do we educate ourselves about
that don’t affect us personally?
And how do we learn to forgive?
This is where Psalm 1 gives us some beautiful grace.
It doesn’t say that the Lord watches
over the righteous
but the wicked will perish.
It says “the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.”
The way. The way in which we do
The path we walk. The way of seeing
the world.
God watches over and fosters and
in the path of love that each of us
I even imagine God,
with one of those brooms they use in
shuffling backwards in front of us,
sweeping the broom back and forth,
smoothing out the path when it gets
And God will allow/is allowing the
path of sin and misery
that each of us walks to fall into
Psalm 1 is maybe foreshadowing Psalm
“weeping may linger the night, but
joy comes in the morning.”
In other words, everything will be okay in the end.
If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
And God invites us to participate in
making things okay.
It will be uncomfortable for us to
face how we are complacent
in the face of suffering.
It will be hard to begin dismantling
our individual and corporate sin.
But we don’t do it alone.
God is walking that path with us,
nudging us towards the one that’s
been cleared,
raising us up when we fall,
and celebrating with us when we
This is one message of the cross:
in Jesus’ death and resurrection that
we celebrate this Easter season,
it is not that Jesus reminds an angry
God that we are God’s beloved,
we are reminded that we are created
in God’s image,
that we are God’s beloved, that we
were made for love.
God’s been there all the time,
maintaining the universe,
shining love on all of us.
We just forgot.
On the cross, Jesus showed us
where all our grasping and violence
and moralizing lead us.
And in the empty tomb, Jesus shows us
all the possibilities of creation.
We can be and are like trees planted
by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its
and their leaves do not wither.
May it be so.