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disaster relief

You may all be wondering what you can do in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. Here are some options:
  • give blood, either today on UC's campus or next week--blood banks are ALWAYS in need of blood. Plus, if you give on campus today, the Red Cross gets $5 per person which will go towards earthquake relief.
  • give money. Places like Episcopal Relief and Development, Lutheran Disaster Relief, LCMS World Relief, and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries send funds and personnel to disaster areas with very little overhead, meaning your money has more bang.
  • give time. Sites of natural and man-made disaster across the world still need help rebuilding years later. Consider going with us on Spring Break to New Orleans to help with rebuilding there. Call or email me if you would like to go.
  • pray, that those suffering might find hope, healing, or an easy death. Pray for the relief workers and military personnel who are clearing the rubble and caring for the wounded. Pray that we may find it in our hearts to love our neighbors of all stripes.
  • keep your eyes open. The UC Campus Ministries Association is hoping to offer some sort of prayer rally/action in the coming weeks.